Welcome to 2009!
I would like to welcome you to AIDA - the Amateur Israel Dancesport Association. We are a national association
with strong international connections and proud to be part of the World Dance Council Amateur League and the International
Dance Union.
AIDA has been fully functional for five years and has attracted top teachers and dancers in Israel. Every
year we provide seminars and workshops at all levels for teachers and dancers. Our best dancers represent Israel at
some of the most prestigous competitions around the world.
We hold competitions at all levels around the country including National, International and World competitions.
I hope this site is of service to you. Please contact us for any further information regarding Latin and Ballroom
Ms. Patrice Perez.
Italian Open 2009
The standard was very high with some of the best couples from around the world. WDC Italian Open
Professional Standard
Professional Ballroom - Roberto Villa and Morena Colagreco from Italy came first. Other couples came
from Slovenia, Germany, England, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine.
Professional Latin - Emanuele Soldi and Elisa Nosato from Italy came first. Others came from Germany,
Finland, Ukraine, Russia, Greece and Czeck Republic.
Annabelle Perez and Illia Miasnick from Arad came 11th in Italian Open Amateur Latin.
Professional Ballroom
Professional Latin
Amateur Showdance
The famous Italian Open was a wonderful experience. The panel of judges was awesome - Massimo Giorgianni, Augusto
Schiavo, Caterina Argenton, Jerry Abrate Vice President of WDC, Serrena Lecca - all from Italy, Andrew Sinkinson from
England, Sergei Ryupin from Russia, and others including Brigita Elksne, Lalla Turra Dell'Orto the founder of the Cervia dance
festival, Svatislav Vloch President of IDSA, Annatoli Treliski President of IATPD of Israel and more.
Annabelle Perez and Illia Miasnik from "Love To Dance" Arad came fifth in the Amateur League World Championship 2009
Ten Dance Under21 category and got into the semi finals of the Amateur Latin Italian Open 2009 which they did not expect or
even believe when it happened.
Italian Open Finalists - Amateur Latin
22 couples competed - 4 Russian couples, 1 from Denmark and 1 from Azerbaizhan got into the finals.
First place went to Kirill Belorukov & Elvira Skrylnikova from Russia. I have been following this couple for many years. Kirill I first filmed in Blackpool
dancing 10-11 where he came third. He then came first in ten dance in Mannheim 12-13. He came first in Junior
one and Junior two in Holland. He then came first in youth. His first year in amateur Latin in Holland he came
17th, second year 3td and third year 1st. This year he came 7th in Amateur Latin in Blackpool and I am sure will
continue to rise. He was first in the Amateur League championships in Paris in December 2008. As far as I know
he is no longer dancing Ballroom.  Amateur Amateur Ballroom above - you only see the first three couples of the finalists - first
place went to a wonderful young couple from China - Chao Yang and Yiling Tan, second to Azerbaizhan and third to Serbia, others
from England, Italy, Czeck Republic and Ukraine.
Annabelle and Illia were shocked and overjoyed at getting into the semi finals and coming 11th in Amateur Latin. In the photo above together with Sergei Rupin from Russia and Anatoli Treliski from Israel.
Finalists in World Championship Ten Dance Under 21 - First and Third place went to Russia, Second and fourth
to Italy, Fifth to Israel and Sixth to Denmark. 
עולם 2009 עשרה ריקודים תחת
גיל 21 ביחד עם "איטליאן אופן"
שכוללת תחרות WDC סידרה למקצועניים
גם בריקודים לטיניים
וגם בריקודים אירופיים.
שופטים מהמפורסמים
ביותר כולל אוגוסטו שיאבו,
מסימו גיורגיאני ואליסיה
מנפרדיני, קטארינה ארזנטון
וג'רי אברטה, סרגי רופין
וסרנה לקה, אנדרו סינקינסון
היו גם תחרויות בתחום
ה"שודנס" SHOWDANCE - - גם
בחובבנים וגם במקצונים
– מדהימים לראות.
אבל הכי על רמה הייתה
הריקודים האירופאיים
בכל הרמות פשוט גמרים
קרוב לגמר בלקפול. היינו מהופנטים מהריקודים
המקסימים של כולם.
שלושה ימים של תחרויות
ויומיים של קונגרס ואחרי
הכל משחק בין לאומי של
כדור רגל – שתי קבוצות
– אנגליה ורוסיה עם אנדרו
סינקינסון נגד איטליה
עם אוגוסטו שיאבו. היה לי קשה להאמין אבל
הגיעו במיוחד לשחק כדור
רגל ממדינות אחרות כמו
אנגליה וגם אנשים ברמה
כמו גוזולי וסלמי לשחק
בשביל איטליה. כמובן
שאיטליה נצחה. הם
עכשיו מתכננים משחק בין
חמש ארצות כולל אמריקה.
אנאבל פרז ואיליה
מיאסניק ייצגו את ישראל
בכבוד רב באליפות עולם
עשרה ריקודים במקומ חמישי,
וב"איטליאן אופן" היגעו
למקום אחד עשר בamateur latin אחרי שלא האמינו שעלו
לחצי גמר. היה כבוד
גודל כשהציגו אותם בחצי
גמר כזוג מישראל ודגל
ישראל היה באולם עם עוד
21 ארצות.
Fun and games in Cervia
Massimo Giorgianni watching the football match from a comfortable seat!
Caterina Arzenton on our bike riding through Cervia with Patrice Perez and Illia Miasnik from Israel.
Jerry Abrate and Caterina Arzenton together with some of their fantastically talented young dancers from the competition
with Annabelle, Illia and Patrice from Israel.
Laughing, dancing and fighting in Venice - yes we got lost as everyone does walking through the streets and over the
bridges of Venice.
Eating Lasagne, Ravioli and Pizza on our first day in Italy.
The latest in international problems:
Press Release 3rd March 2009 Click here for PDF download
The British Dance Council is disturbed to note that an IDSF member body, FIDS, has imposed a ban on Junior and Juvenile
dancers from Italy participating in the British Open to the World Junior Festival 2009. There has been no direct contact between
FIDS and the British Dance Council, the Organiser Sandra Wilson, Leisure Parcs or the IDSF member body in England , EADA.
Although a meeting was held in Bournemouth in January at the request of FIDS it would appear that the internal disputes
in Italy have resulted in FIDS imposing a ban on Italian Junior and Juvenile couples, prohibiting them from participation
in the 2009 Junior Festival in Blackpool . It was claimed that the organiser was interfering with Italian domestic affairs
when it is clearly obvious that it is exactly the opposite, FIDS are interfering with the domestic affairs of Great Britain
This deplorable ban, many people having already booked flights and hotels, has obviously caused great distress to children
and parents. Making matters worse is the declaration of solidarity, again on the FIDS web site, from another IDSF member body
in Russia supporting FIDS and additionally the sending out to all IDSF member bodies by the IDSF Secretary on behalf of the
IDSF President, details regarding this dispute, most of which are totally inaccurate. The reasons given for this unsupportable
and unjustifiable ban are untrue and wholly irresponsible causing damage to relations between organisations and disgraceful
distress to dancers and parents.
The British Dance Council is especially troubled that, in view of the wonderful relationship between itself and the IDSF
since the foundation of the ICAD (now the IDSF) in this matter no contact was made to ascertain the true facts. We sincerely
hope nothing like this can happen in the future.

Yes we were there again - this is our fourth year running - to watch all the excitement and the drama and the wonderful
music and dancing of couples from all over the world.
Here are some of the moments. Professional Latin Dutch Open - Riccardo and Yulia - What an amazing couple to watch
close up - exciting, exuberant, exhillarating, a powerhouse of musicality and movement. 
Professional Ballroom - Jonathan Wilkins and Hazel Newbury from England - exquisitely elegant and vibrant in their dancing.
Dancing their famous leap in the quickstep - Domenico Soale and Gioia Cerasoli came second.
For more photos go to Dutch Open 2008 and to Dancesportinfo.net
Dutch Open - November 2008 - Five couples represented Israel this year in the fabulous
four day event in Assen -
Annabelle Perez and Illia Miasnik from Sunrise Arad,
Costa Gershun and Dianna Piskun from Gratsia Ashdod,
Ivan Moiseev and Elina Shustin from Gratsia Ashdod,
Andrey Lobankov and Liana Koralov from Bravo Haifa,
Artiem Lyazkovsky and Elena Dovgan from Bravo Beersheva.
Congratulations to Annabelle and Illia who reached 47 in Rising Stars Latin Dutch Open 2008.
  Congratulations to Artiem and Elena who reached the finals in the Junior B Latin.
Prior to the four day competition, a three day congress is held with all the top teachers and dancers attending.
What a delight - being together with Riccardo Cocchi & Yulia Zagorouitchenko, representing the USA,with Kirill Belorukov & Elvira Skrylnikova representing Russia, with Troels Bager & Ina Ivanova Jeliazkova and Janick Löwe & Pia Engelberg Lundanes both couples representing Denmark. An amazing and exhausting very long three days starting at 8.30 in the morning and
finishing with a two hour practice from 21.00-23.00.

CONGRESS - DUTCH OPEN THREE DAY CONGRESS - with the top dancers, teachers and lecturers in the world: Tony Nyahagen,
Jerry Abrate, Alex Fletcher, Sammy Stopford, Gaynor Fairweather, Donnie Burns, Andrew Sinkinson, Ruud Vermey, Steve Powell,
Mrco Saccani, Kenny Walsh, Leonid Pletnev, and more. Photos from the congress and private lessons together with
famous couples who took part in the Dutch Open competition with our couples from Israel.
Annabelle and Illia together with Jerry Abrate working on Paso in the above two photos.
We had the delight of working together with Yulia and Ricardo in the congress. Watching them practice was an education
in itself then to see the results on the dance floor - fantastic!!!
Riccardo and Yulia dancing at Blackpool.
To all who attended and to all who missed out:-
AIDA organised one of the most spectacular competitions that we have ever seen in Israel - IDU WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2008
with thirteen participating countries.
Please note that Moadon Sunrise (Arad, Dimona, Jerusalem) has changed its name to Moadon Love To Dance (Arad, Dimona,
Jerusalem) and is still under the same management.
Wonderful photos from IDU World Championships in Maalot.
AIDA DRESS CODE click here
To keep up with the world picture on Ballroom and Latin dancing go to Dance Beat:-
DANCE BEAT MAGAZINE - write ups on the latest in dance plus videos
For more exquisite gowns and Latin outfits click here.
To see Cluster Map 2008-2009 click here
- לתוצאות תחרויות
בארץ תלחצו בלינק
see www.aida.org.il for programme details in Russian and Hebrew
Every year we attend the wonderful world competition and congress in Blackpool, England.
The wonderful Winter Gardens in Blackpool.
Photographs taken by Anatoli Treliski Blackpool 2007
WORLD DANCE COUNCIL AMATEUR LEAGUE - Letters from Sammy Stopford - click here
IDSF has refused to give permission to IDSA to cooperate with us in competitions in Israel. For details
see Dancesport in Israel.

Latin Seminar in Ashdod with Jerry Abrate - Vice Chairman of World Dance and Dance Sport Council.
Thank you Jerry for sharing your expertise.
Hope to see you soon again in Israel.
מזל טוב לכל
המורים שעברו מבחנים
We are continuing with our NATIONAL SENIORS CLUB
לכל הרמות מועדון
ארצי לסניורים - תחרויות
Please contact Patrice Perez who will act as National Coordinator for the Seniors Club. All levels from beginners
to advanced are welcome.
in Dimona Dance Festival |
Danna and Avi from Sunrise Arad took gold
at their second competition together
National competition in Arad - "60 years to the State of Israel". |
נשמח לקבל תמונות מתחרויות
ומופעים בארץ לפירסום
כאן - תשלחו אלינו
National competition in Beersheva