To all those interested in dancing,
This has been an amazing year for AIDA. We have successfully organised competitions and seminars across
the country including two major world events, a world cup and a world championship - both two day events, one in the
centre and one in the north with a large panel of international judges and dancers from many countries together with
our own top dancers. Many of our dancers have represented Israel overseas and received recognition and many of our judges
have qualified for international licences. In short, our standards have risen and we are now firmly a part of the international
Some of our top dancers are becoming recognised on the international scene and have been rated very highly
in many categories. (see IDU website)
Our president - Mr. Ilan Vaiman - has been elected to the position of vice president of IDU and we wish
him all the best in the future.
I would like to thank all the people who have been a part of this success - teachers, dancers, parents,
fans and supporters; those who work so hard to help improve our level of dancing and the standard of our dancers and
those who work so hard organising all our events.
I would like to thank in particular Genya Levant for volunteering all her hard work for so many years as
our general secretary and to thank Ilan Vaiman our president for working with all of us and helping to promote us internationally.
I wish all of us a healthy, happy, prospersous and peaceful New Year.
Keep happy and keep dancing,
Patrice Perez,
Sports Director,
Hi to all our teachers and dancers,
We are starting a new school year next month on the first of September and we have
some very exciting events awaiting us this year.
I would like to remind everyone that all our competitions – national and
international - are organized under international rules; this includes dress codes.
We do not want couples to be embarrassed and not be allowed to participate because they are incorrectly attired.
So it is up to all of us – the teachers – to inform our dancers what
they can and cannot wear according to their age. Rules will be enforced in all
our competitions – national and international – therefore, it is vital to pass on this information to all your
Wishing all of us an exciting and successful year of dance and hoping to see you
all soon.
Patrice Perez,
Sports Director.
שלום לכל המורים והרקדנים
אנו מתחילים שנת לימודים
חדשה חודש הבא ומחקה לנו
שנה מרגשת עם אירועים
מלהיבים ביותר בארץ ובחו"ל.
ברצוני להזכיר לכולם
שכל התחרויות שלנו – גם
ארצי וגם בין לאומי – מתנהלות
לפי החוקים הבין לאומים
כולל חוקים ונוהלי ליבוש. אנו רוצים למנוע
מצב מביך לרקדנים שאוסרים
עליהם להשתתף עקב ליבוש
לא תקני.
הדבר תלוי בנו – המורים
– להודיע לרקדנים שלנו
ולהפיץ מה מותר ומה אסור
ללבוש בהתאם לגיל הרקדן. החוקים חשובים
גם בתחרויות ארציות וגם
בתחרויות בין לאומיות
לכן אני מבקשת להעביר
את האינפורמאציה לרקדנים.
אני רוצה לאחל לכולנו
שנה מרגשת ומוצלחת ומחקה
לפגוש אתכם בתחרויות
וסמינרים הקרובים.
בכבוד רב,
מנהלת ספורט,
פטריס פרז.
1st. January 2008
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish a
Happy, Healthy, Peaceful and Prosperous New Year to all our friends and coleagues in the dance world.
2007 was a wonderfully exciting year with the development of the Amateur League which we are now all
a part of. Hopefully this year we can start organising some major events within the League and unite us all across the
Israel's dancers have been to many countries during the past year and are beginning to be
This year we are planning two World Cup events in Israel and are hoping once again to see our top
couples participate in different events in different countries.
It is vitally important for a country our size to have input from top professionals abroad and we
are arranging seminars in Israel and our for our teachers and dancers to attend.
Hope to see you all dancing this year whatever your level and whatever your age.
Good luck in all areas of your life,
Patrice Perez,
Sports Director,
Things are changing very quickly. AIDA has been approached by IDSA to discuss future cooperation.
It has long been a dream of mine to reunite all the dancers, teachers, judges and organisers in Israel so that we may
enjoy our World of Dance together. Hopefully, this will happen in the near future.
I wish to say "Well done!" to the World Dance Amatuer League and to all of us who have joined together to bring this
moment to pass.
Patrice Perez.
Following Blackpool Congress June 2007
The global forces in the world of dance are creating major changes which are likely to affect us all. Hopefully
for the better as we move forward into a vibrant and exciting future for the World of Dance.
The World Dance Council is spreading ever wider and is now including social, amateur and professional couples.
It has also opened a trainers commision so as to embrace all teachers and trainers. We are part of this movement.
This holds important implications for all of us as the World Dance Council starts developing its Amateur Division and we wish
to be part of it from its inception.
Ms. Patrice Perez.
This has been an amazing year for us in AIDA. Not only are we moving forward at a rapid pace in Israel but so is
IDU in the world arena of dancesport and we are proud that our President - Mr Evgeni Vaiman - is on the presidium of
Our association - Amateur Israel Dancesport Association - has grown in size and strength. We have more dance schools
in more towns across the country , more teachers, more judges and more talented dancers of all ages.
This year we organised international and world events in Israel and we sent couples to many different major events around
the world in China, Italy, Germany, Holland, England, Ukraine and Russia.
Some of our top judges have been seen judging on the international circuit and we hope that as our standards improve
more will join them.
Dancesport has now been seen and accepted by the popular media as entertainment for families which is creating an ever
widening response and interest in our dancing. As a result more and more new dancers of all ages are entering this fascinating,
exhilarating and fun world of music and dance.
We have had exciting and beautiful competitions in many towns throughout the year pulling in more and more audiences.
Our biggest event was the first World Cup in Israel which was held in Tel Aviv and broadcast five times on national television.
We have organised numerous seminars with top international names to raise the level of our dancers and our teachers with
outstanding results and some of our teachers have now taken advanced professional examinations in order to gain
international adjudicating licences.
I would like to thank all those who have supported us throughout the year - fans, friends, dancers and parents.
I would like to say thank you to all our very hardworking and dedicated teachers whose lives revolve around dancing.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish us all a very peaceful, joyful and happy New Year and may we continue
to grow together in the future.
Thank you to everyone,
With love,
Patrice Perez.
We are in the middle of 2006 preparing for the new school year next month. So far we have had numerous competitions
at all levels from local events to national to international competitions and of course the World Cup in Tel Aviv which
has been shown on Sport 5 TV.
Many very talented young couples have represented Israel at different events abroad this year including the World Championships
in Kiev. So far we have had a Latin World Championships and a Standard World Championships and this month we have the
Ten Dance World Championships. AIDA has represented Israel in each of these.
There is a new series of Lirkod Im Cochavim - Dance with the Stars - on television and more and more people of all ages
are being drawn into our dancing so we are constantly growing with new dance schools opening around the country and new teachers
joining us.
To all our newcomers we hope you enjoy our dancing as much as we do and we welcome you into our world.
This is a very hard time in Israel with a war having displaced so many people in the north of the country. We are
continuing our dancing in an effort to bring relief and to ease the pain that the country is experiencing during these very
hard few weeks.
To all our soldiers we wish you a peaceful return home. To all our displaced families and those in Lebanon
we wish you a speedy return home so you can resume your daily life in peace and security.
May we all keep dancing and keep smiling through these difficult days.
Patrice Perez,
Sport Director.
A letter of goodwill from our sports director:-
To all members and friends,
Looking back at 2005 we can see the amazing events which are shaping
the world of dance and which we are a part of.
The formation of IDU and our part in it is very exciting and thrilling.
Our president Ivgeni Vaiman is now on the presidium of IDU and we are hosting the World Cup 2006 here in Israel which is a
great honour for us.
Our numbers have grown and continue to grow in quality teachers, in dance schools and in competitions
around the country. We average two competitions a month.
Now on top of it all Oron Dahan has won the fabulous new TV programme
Dancing with the Stars and has become a household name in Israel bringing ballroom dancing into the conciousness of
the Israeli public. Who knows where this may lead especially as a second series is already being planned!
2006 will see a big surge in dancing in Israel and we are here to help lead the way.
To all our teachers, dancers, parents, fans and friends lets dance our way through the year with joy and delight.
Patrice Perez,
Sports Director,
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our members and friends a peaceful and joyous 2006!
IDU is constantly growing and spreading across the globe and it is very exciting to be part of this development
in the world of dance. Our president Ilan Vaiman has been elected into the presidium of IDU and our vice president Lizzi
Morr is on one of the committees.
Our couples can participate in competitions all around the world - last month in the World Cup in Rome, this
month in the Dutch Open in Holland, next month in the World Championships in China.
A wonderful close to an exciting year.
October 2005 - Shana Tova!
I would like to thank all our supporters for the help and encouragement which we receive.
I would like to thank all our hard working teachers who have so much love and determination and keep pushing dancesport
forward to higher and higher levels organising performances, competitions, seminars and workshops and trips abroad and who
tirelessly give so much of themselves all year round.
We have had numerous seminars and workshops with international instructors from England, Russia and the Ukraine
and I would like to thank those responsible for bringing them here and the instructors themselves who, despite the present
tensions in Israel, were willing to come and share their knowledge with us.
Two of the more famous were Sammy Stopford from England and Andre Bushik who came from St. Petersburg to spend
a week teaching in Beersheva and then judging in Ashdod. We hope they will return many times in the future to work with
It is great working with all of you and seeing the delight and satisfaction on the faces of dancers from the age of five,
to young teenagers and their parents to ex soldiers and adults. It is this satisfaction and exhilaration which
makes it all so worthwhile.
We wish our young soldiers a speedy return home and peace in the coming year.
To all our members and friends, keep well, keep smiling and keep dancing,
Patrice Perez.
To all member-countries of the WDDSC family
To all Professional adjudicators
Dear Colleagues,
As you may be well aware, a joint meeting between the IDSF and the WDDSC was scheduled for and took place
on 26th October 2005 in Zurich, Switzerland. The WDDSC represented by myself, Dance Sport Chairman Fred Bijster and Vice-President
Stanislav Popov entered these negotiations in the spirit of utmost co-operation optimism, seriousness of intent and respect,
and to this end our proposed agenda was forwarded to the IDSF for their consideration as early as August. For the avoidance
of any doubt we offered an absolute maximum of new initiatives for solutions and sharing as partners in the following agenda.
- 1. The combining of the WD&DSC World Series and IDSF Grand Slam into a World Super-Series. The concept in principle.
- 2. The setting up of an Independent Commission to investigate the future of Dance Sport, with representatives from the
WD&DSC, IDSF, IDU and Competitors on the Commission.
- 3. A joint World Congress, presented and organised jointly by the WD&DSC and IDSF.
The costs and profits to be shared to pioneer the first true educational system on a global basis for everyone.
- 4. The issue of Adjudicator eligibility arising from the General Agreement.
- 5. The removal of all future “bans” on events organised by WD&DSC Members.
In spite of the fact that no agenda was forthcoming from the IDSF side, we still proceeded in the utmost
good faith. Unfortunately, due to health problems, on the day your delegates arrived at the meeting to be met with the news
that President Baumann would not be able to attend and that Mr. Lukas Hinder and Mr. Vince Bain would proceed with President
Baumann in absentia.
The spirit of the meeting and the general atmosphere and desire for co-operation appeared to be one of the
best that I have attended, and this feeling was indicated by Mr. Bain. The meeting was several hours in duration and it extended
into dinner that evening.
The bottom line of decision-making which occurred however, was perhaps slightly disappointing but nonetheless
not entirely fruitless. It was unanimously agreed as follows:
- a) The WDDSC and IDSF mutually accept and recognise each others list of adjudicators
- b) The requirement that adjudicators register with IDSF by 1st January 2006 is withdrawn
Mr. Bain advised that this IDSF delegation were totally in favour of the above but begged our patience that
it would require Presidium endorsement and asked if we could hold off with this in mind from making any Press Releases until
the following Tuesday (1st November 2005), whereby it was hoped and anticipated that implementation could occur.
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It is for this reason, i.e. the request of the IDSF and in the spirit of good will and etiquette that no
press releases nor directives have been forthcoming. In spite of several reminders from our side to the IDSF, no conclusions
nor formal ratifications had been received, which gave me cause to write to President Baumann last week on 24th November 2005
advising that should we fail to receive some kind of response by the weekend, it would leave us with no alternative but to
proceed on a unilateral basis and issue a Press Release. To his credit Mr. Bain responded with an e-mail but still no formal
response on IDSF note-paper from President Baumann.
With this in mind, and in view of the fact that the issue is scheduled for the agenda of the IDSF Presidium
meeting of January 2006, and bearing in mind that most members of the IDSF and organisers all over the world wish and actually
prefer to employ WDDSC adjudicators, it is therefore the conclusion of this Press Release that the WDDSC strongly urge all
Professional adjudicators NOT to feel coerced into registering with IDSF. Coercions, bans, restrictions on the market and back-door monopolies are
the cause of much upheaval in the dance market today, and in quite simple terms, there is no need.
The future for the WDDSC is incredibly bright and the possibilities of the open market virtually limitless.
Our long established open market of competitions are growing not only in undoubted prestige and stature but also in numbers,
and there is no advice that the general agreement agreed between WDDSC and IDSF is not in effect. Furthermore, there are many
new initiatives planned from the WDDSC side of which we will be delighted to advise you shortly.
In the meantime, our newly developed coaches and trainers and organisers commissions are reflective of our
growing network of information traffic, knowledge and expertise worldwide.
The Presidium and I take this opportunity of thanking you for your support and wish you and all your families
a healthy and happy festive season and a wonderful start to the new opportunities which we will find in 2006.
With my warmest regards,
Donnie Burns MBE, President